Spring Wildflowers in the Marin Headlands

When the rainy season this year showed up late and coincided with warm spring days, this created perfect conditions for a burst of wildflowers in the San Francisco Bay Area. I spent an afternoon taking it all in, strolling through the Marin Headlands in Golden Gate National Recreation Area, the national park in my backyard. Although their blooms appear to be delicate, these plants of the coastal scrub community are tough and thrive in steep rocky soils, wind, and the extended dry season.

California poppy, the official state flower

Bush lupine Marin Headlands 4-2018 smallSilver bush lupine

Lupine stalk Marin Headlands 4-2018 smallSilver bush lupine
 California buttercup Marin Headlands 4-2018 smallCommon buttercup

Cow parsnip Marin Headlands 4-2018 smallCow parsnip

Seaside daisy Marin Headlands 4-2018 smallSeaside daisy

Mule-ears 2 Marin Headlands 4-2018 smallMule-ears
 Morning glory Marin Headlands 4-2018 smallMorning glory

Sticky monkeyflowers Marin Headlands 4-2018 small
Sticky monkeyflower

 Common yarrow Marin Headlands 4-2018 small
Common yarrow

Checker bloom Marin Headlands 4-2018 small
Checker bloom

Paintbrush Marin Headlands 4-2018 small

Western blue eyed grass Marin Headlands 4-2018 small
Western blue eyed grass

California poppies and poison oak 4-2018 small
These California poppies are safe from being picked amid the poison oak

Marin Headlands view 4-2018 small


  1. Your writing and especially these pictures remind me so much of a saying I read so long ago…. it went something along the lines of “Those who venture into the woods without knowing their flora/fauna may as well be blind.” Whenever I come across appreciations like you’ve posted here, it reminds me of how blind I am. *One*day*….. I will glue the names and circumstances of all that I [might!] see into my Poor Little Brain, so that I can happily recall them as happens. One day…..

  2. What a beautiful set of images! A tour of the north coastal spring. Thank you for sharing the beauty and spirit!!!

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